Spiritual Healings
Spiritual Healing Journeys, Retreats, Self Exploration Heart Encounter with Anita
There are intense energies penetrating the planet and our psyches in these times and it is evermore imperative for us as a whole and personally, to take the leap into unknown territory. To unravel the density of past and present suffering and embrace without delay, a whole new way of meeting life on a daily basis. To reach up on our tip toes and surrender within. To move beyond suffering and make the jump into Liberation. It is indeed time and imperative we choose to move out of suffering and walk with lightness.
Anita works with full heart, compassion, playfulness, strong Presence and wisdom born of rich life experience.
Have a look at the menu of the various trips, sessions and retreats she is now offering. Give her a call or e mail her to ask a question or if you have the urge to really transform the way you meet life .
Anita’s Consultations
Private sessions with Anita., both online and in person.

Healing Retreats Portugal
Powerful Transformative, Gentle, Deep Healing and Heart Encounter Retreats…. Using a myriad of highly effective healing modalities.
Guided Healing Trips to Brazil
Anita offers these beautiful and potent guided journeys to Long established and high energy vortexes, for deep effective Healing. Visiting Psychic healers/surgeons and beautiful healing currents in the healing communities of Palmelo village and Abadiania Healing Portal village.

Anita’s personal message
” There is something about Anita that strikes you as soon as she enters the room. A certain beauty, tenderness and strength of spirit draws you in. I spent six sessions with Anita over a two week period and she is incredibly gifted. I have never experienced such a quick turn around of my feelings after sessions with her. She was able to draw out my deepest worries and turn them into totally new ways of perceiving. She gave me tools that i will forever carry in my pocket and which, even though is perhaps dramatic to say, have really changed my life. The passion she has for her work comes out in every look, touch and time she spends with you. I recommend her work to the full”
Gillian cook P.R. Amsterdam. April 2016
Please do visit us in Germany when you come over we would be more than happy to have you and we will take care of you for a change we will do the hosting.”
“Thank you very dear Anita, i cannot thank you enough for your kindness, guidance, love and support in the last 2 weeks. You are you are a true souls sister and i felt very nourished in your presence! Many blessings ahead and happy journeying and group works, till perhaps we meet again.” Julie Hodgkiss U.K
“Dear Anita, What a wonderful person! All that is given is not given is lost …keep on giving! Best wishes and take great care of you. ” Martin, November 2011